Last night, we had block party! There was a parade and a garden party to kick off the craziness of rush week! Everyone at school is required to join a society. They're a pretty big deal at the start of the year. I'm a member of the Christina Rossetti society. (My mom was a Rossetti, as is my sister.) Our theme, along with our brother society the Bunyans, is classy. Because honestly, we are a classy, fun-loving group. We are diverse, artsy, and athletically inclined. (Well, I'm not athletic..)
There are four girl societies and four boy societies on campus. LMA/Bryan, Sonnet/Alpha, Bronte/Pi Gamma, and Rossetti/Bunyan. Early Monday morning, we'll cover the campus in signs promoting our respective societies. Each society gets and emphasis day, where they give gifts to all of the freshmen, and have a party in the evening to promote themselves. I won't share what my society is giving just yet. It's pretty classy, though! On Friday, each society will present a funny video skit (can I just say...ours is hilarious! I'll post it once it's up on youtube.) Then we'll all go to the gym and do the actual rushing. I really hope we have a good amount go Rossetti/Bunyan this year, because we have some stellar things planned!
Anyway, this week is going to be crazy busy and fun!
P.S. I think I may have acquired a job/internship. I hope it works out, because it's completely perfect for me. More on that later!
Sounds and looks like fun! I like your hair bows :)