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Thursday, April 25, 2013

you got trouble, my friends

Welch College put on a production of The Music Man this year. Here are photos, in no particular order.
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We had such a good time. Our last performance was bittersweet. I'm so thankful for the friendships that were forged and strengthened during this process. I'm really starting to learn who I am as an actress, as lame as that sounds. 

Also, the songs from this musical will never leave your head. EVER.


Wednesday, April 17, 2013

popsicles and pictures

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This is Johanna. (Pronounced Jo-anna. NOT Jo-hannah.) She is one of my dearest friends.  photo IMG_1881_zps0be52cbf.jpg  photo IMG_9001_zps19f41ac2.jpg  photo IMG_4492_zps71507969.jpg  photo IMG_0590_zps4262f0a7.jpg 

Did I mention Johanna is from France? She's pretty much the coolest ever. We went out last Sunday for popsicles from Las Paletas and photos. We had a blast! She also stole my camera and made me pose for a few photos.  photo IMG_4873_zpse2797e0a.jpg 
I apologize for the lack of consistent posts around here. My computer is currently at the doctor getting fixed up. Hopefully I'll have lightroom and photoshop back soon. 

Until then,

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

A Southern Soiree

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Spring evenings in the South are pleasant. It isn't stifling hot yet, and when the sun finally sets, it's warm enough for a small fire. These evenings are made better by sundresses and jean jackets, sweet tea out of mason jars, and the laughter of close friends. Junior/Senior this year was absolutely perfect. We ate. We laughed. We took pictures. But it was also bittersweet. Many of my close friends are graduating, and things are changing fast.

Junior year has flown by. It's been the hardest year I've experienced academically, but it's also been the best. I've finally found my niche in my program, and a year from now, I'll walk across our auditorium stage and be handed a piece of paper. A piece of paper signifying I've earned a B.A. in English, Theological Studies, and Music. A piece of paper signifying four years of hard work, sweat, and tears. A piece of paper memorializing friendships made. A piece of paper that will, hopefully, grant me a job doing what I love.

Life will be different in a a year, in a few short months, even. Two of my best friends will be married this summer. Others will complete their degrees and move on to real life. I don't know what will happen in the future, but I'm excited. I'm excited AND nervous to see just what life holds. 


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