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Tuesday, February 28, 2012

emily- senior 2012

The weather has been beautiful in Nashville lately! The weather was perfect for my sweet friend Emily's senior photos.


I met Emily a few years ago during my denomination's youth leadership conference (Truth and Peace.) She was on my team my 301 year, and she was such a great addition. She's probably one of the sweetest people I know! We had so much fun taking these photos. She has the prettiest smile!

  Photobucket Photobucket 
xo, katy

Monday, February 27, 2012

small comfort

I'll sit at this piano until I die--
Let the music be the tears I cannot cry.
Each note, a syllable, to fill the space--
Painting the words my heart cannot face.

Hard ivory and wood worn with time,
Many hands have touched; tears sublime. 
My fingers--so small--yet a large sound make,
Small comfort, shielding my heart from certain break.

I'm not a master, though I do try
Bach would laugh as I would cry. 
Of all the melodies played in our time,
Mine--but small thread in that great twine.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

out-of-order weekend

Have I ever mentioned that I love history? In grade school, I was the kid the couldn't wait to get my history text book at the beginning of the year. I would have the entire book read within the first couple weeks of school. American History, World History, it didn't matter. I loved all of it. I still love history. When I go home on weekends, all I watch is the History Channel (even though most of the shows they broadcast anymore are about aliens, the Knight's Templar, or truckers. Whatever.)

So I was really excited today when I got the chance to visit The Hermitage. It's the mansion of our seventh president, Andrew Jackson. Love him or hate him, he led an incredibly fascinating life, and had such a huge...personality.


It was really neat! Now I have to write a speech about it...not so neat.

Friday, we had a yearbook all-nighter. Okay, we only made it to about 1 AM, but we got quite a bit done on the yearbook! I'm Photo/Assistant Editor. In case you were wondering. We ate a lot of pizza, looked at old yearbooks, listened to Adele and worked for 8 hours straight. Yup.

Yeah. We took jumping pictures, too.

Saturday, I slept in. Til noon. Which is really late, but considering the previous activities, I think I was justified. I only got out of bed because they were serving bacon breakfast burritos in the cafeteria. I ended up going to McKay's with a few friends. I bought a Star Wars box set (episodes IV-VI) for 20 dollars. Total geek moment. I then went home and did nothing the rest of the night. It was splendid.

Also, this kind of made my night:
Photobucket Well, that was my out-of-order weekend. I hope I can make it through this week. I'm very sick. Again.


Saturday, February 25, 2012

times have changed, don't you say?

Photobucket Photobucket 

I was going back through my old Photobucket photos and found these two GIFS that I made in high school. They made me chuckle. I was so incredibly melodramatic! 

I also found this...lovely...photo of my dog Lucky and I. Notice the braces and acne. Cute right? 

And this was the first time I dyed my hair pink. Excuse the duck face. Notice the Narnia poster in the background. Looking back, it's all pretty laughable! It's funny how much things change in five or six years. 

How have you changed in the past few years? I graduated high school, went to college, got a job. Broke off a bad relationship and learned to form new ones. I'm learning to trust my Savior with everything. I never thought this is who I would be when I was fifteen. I figured by the time I was twenty I would have it all together. Well, I was mostly certainly wrong. And that's okay. 


P.S. Apparently I had an obsession with Elijah Wood and photoshop, too. 

Elijah Wood

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

giving things up

First off, I'm a Free Will Baptist, not Catholic. We don't observe Lent. However, the church I attended in high school encouraged our congregation to have a forty-day fast. I gave up fast food my junior year of high school.

Hardest thing ever.

I pretty much lived on fast food back then.

Just kidding. I still do. Sonic, ramen, and greek yogurt are my best friends. Moving on.

This year, I decided to give up something even harder. Facebook and Twitter.  Yes, I realize that it's kind of the "in" thing to give up, but it's honestly something that I think comes between God and I. So often I choose to aimlessly browse Facebook or tweet things that don't really matter when I could be using that time to dive in to His Word.

Yes I go to Bible college. Honestly, I think it's harder to have a good devotion when you're in an environment like this. The Bible starts to become a text book. It's not personal anymore, and that's a travesty.

So here's to forty days of having no idea what's going on in the outside world. Here's to more time devoted to my God, my writing, my art, and my friends. Here's to a positive change.



P.S. I dyed my hair today. As you can see, in the above photo my hair has turned many lovely colors. Too many colors. It's now a nice shade of reddish brown. YAY.

P.P.S. I'll still be blogging. And I'll probably be on Tumblr every now and again. (link in my sidebar)

Sunday, February 19, 2012

static state

I must confess, the view from where I sit has been rather grey. 

She sits quietly in front of her second story window. Even though the calender says February, the grass is green. Humidity hangs in the air. The cadence of the raindrops hitting her windowpane lull her into a quiet daydream. Life has been moving much too quickly for her liking. Time to think is a precious rarity in her world. Usually her self-seclusion brings on peace. Today it brings a longing for something more. Her heart longs desperately for the flowers to bloom or the snow to fall. This muggy in-between only causes her heart and legs to grow antsy.

She knows either snow will fall or the flowers will grow in their own due time. One or the other must come. She cares not which, only that she finds the strength to breathe again.

A discomforting itch one cannot place--
The longing for new time and space.
Wanderlust will strike us all
Unexpected, we heed her call.

Take me away to that garden above--
Give me wings like the white-feathered dove
Show me the world I have not seen.
I know somewhere is beauty I can glean.

Let me breathe the cool, clean air--
The smog of this city hangs in my hair.
My lungs are restricted by ropes of twine
My heart, it ignores the wandering signs.

I'll be covered in ivy before I can move--
My static state is merely cued
By the intense desire to run away.
I really can no longer stay.


Saturday, February 18, 2012

sing of love, of grace

It's been one of those days when all I can really do is point to God.

First, you should know that I've been struggling with depression and anxiety a lot lately. I go through spells of being okay, but there are times when I feel that dark cloud creeping up on me. I've just been very stressed lately. I've lost my passion for the things I love. I haven't felt like writing, reading, taking pictures, blogging, drawing--anything. I've been sitting around, impatiently waiting for something to change. It's like I'm waiting for my real life to start.

I had my doubts about today being a good day because: 1. I didn't get enough sleep last night, and I had an 8 AM class. 2. Everyone went to Florida this weekend. 3. Doctor's appointment. 4. I woke up feeling terrible. Basically, I was being little miss pessimist. (As a side note, I'm now on three more medications thanks to this dang sinus infection. Pray that this round of antibiotics and steroids will knock it out. If not, I have to have a CT scan and I'd rather not have to do that.)

However, God gave me little bits of encouragement today. First, I wore my hair curly. I got quite a few compliments on it (and on my style in general) which was nice. Shallow, but it did really help my mood. If I feel like I look good, it really does give me a little extra boost of confidence.

Second, He gave me a song to sing. I feel closest to God when singing or playing music to Him. I was reading Psalm 89 at work for a project. A particular line in it stirred something in my memory, and I caught myself singing "The Valley Song" by Jars of Clay. I hadn't listened to that song in years, and I almost starting crying because the lyrics so aptly described what I'm feeling right now.


Third, He gave me a good night. I went on random adventures with random friends. I ate Jack in the Box tacos (my favorite) and told anti-jokes. I laughed! It felt so good to just laugh at random things again. I've been withdrawing into myself a lot lately. It was nice to just go out and do something.

It's funny how God can take what would have been an awful day (had I stayed in control of my mood...) and make it into one I can look back on and smile.

I will sing of the steadfast love of the Lord, forever;
    with my mouth I will make known your faithfulness to all generations.
Psalm 89:1


Wednesday, February 15, 2012

that time I saw the civil wars

 So this one time, I got to see The Civil Wars live.

It was actually last May. My sister and I got tickets (I seriously think they were ten bucks!) to see them at the Loveless Barn outside of Nashville. It was a lovely night! It was part of a series they do here called "Music City Roots." There were lots of folk, bluegrass, and country acts. The Civil Wars only did three songs, but it was incredibly magical. Just the way they sing and interact on stage--it's not something that they've taught themselves to do. It's just natural.


I'm sure you saw them on the Grammy's a few nights ago. Or, if you're a Hunger Games / Taylor Swift fan, you've see them in the music video for Safe and Sound. (Which is an incredible song, by the way...)

Anyway, I was so excited that they won two Grammy's, I just had to share :)


P.S., When John Paul White walked out on to stage that night...he looked right at me. I about died.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

life in pins

Wheh. This is a hard one. Like just about everybody else, I have a slight addiction to Pinterest. I love possibilities, ideas, dreams, and pictures, so when it comes to Pinterest, I'm like a kid at a cheese store. (Wait, you don't get super excited about cheese? Right. That's just me. moving on...) I saw this on the lovely Hannah's blog, and decided to link up at Olivia's blog. It's such a great idea.

My life in pins. 

Source: weheartit.com via Katy on Pinterest

Source: bhldn.com via Katy on Pinterest

Source: etsy.com via Katy on Pinterest

Source: etsy.com via Katy on Pinterest

Source: piccsy.com via Katy on Pinterest

Okay, that was pretty hard. Pinterest is such a great inspiration tool. If I feel like I need an idea for something, Pinterest is usually the first place I turn. My close friends and I will spend more time than I care to admit repinning each other and freaking out about the cute crafts, clothes, and quotes we find. If you're a Pinterest addict like I am, you should definitely link up!


Monday, February 13, 2012

your protector's coming home

Shirt, pants, headband- F21/ Belt, tights- Target/ scarf- Walmart/ oxfords- Rack Room
1. I'm still alive. Barely, but I'm here! I'm still sick. I'm beginning to wonder if I really do just have a sinus infection. I'm going to try to get into the doctor tomorrow (ewwie.) because I've got to feel better!

2. So, what's this about a holiday tomorrow? Oh right. Valentine's Day. This is the first year in a while that I haven't had a Valentine, and really, that's okay. It's still one of my favorite holidays, and one of the few times I will willing wear copious amounts of pink and red. When I was younger, I would work in a flower shop around Valentine's Day. It was always so much fun. Stressful, yes, but it was so cute to see what guys would get their sweethearts. I know that someday I'll have that special someone who will stress over the perfect flowers, books, or chocolate to get me. (hint: I like tulips, hydrangeas, and dark chocolate.)

3. Lately, I've been okay with being single. It's given me time to really focus on my relationship with God, and I'm so thankful. I have to get myself healthy before I can expect to pour into someone else. To use a church-y phrase..."Your vertical relationship has to be right before your horizontal relationships are."

4. My society and our brother society hosted an open mic night last week. A friend and I sang Poison and Wine by The Civil Wars. It was a ton of fun. I really wish I had gotten it on video!

5. I am now sophomore class vice president for the rest of the year. Random. It's so weird I'm already a sophomore in college.

6. If you haven't listened to Fleet Foxes, I suggest you do so right now. I'll make it easy on you:


xo, Katy

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

instagram lately


1. Doodles.
2. My sister's cat, Scourge. Which is actually a girl. Go figure.
3. Dinner. Steak, baked potatoes, salad!
4. Lots of polka-dots.
5. Time spent with my best friend!
6. Playing games at halftime during the superbowl. 

If you could, say a quick prayer for me. I'm still very sick with a sinus infection, and I'm starting to feel exhausted and defeated. Thanks!


P.S. The Duke vs UNC game is tonight, and I am PUMPED. You better believe that I'll be wearing Duke blue, screaming like a banshee!

Thursday, February 2, 2012

what I wore | minnie mouse

So, random fact time! The college I attend has a high standard of dress. This means I get to dress up every day. It's hard sometimes because I just want to roll out of bed and throw some sweats on. I do, however, understand why we have the dress code we do. A high standard of dress encourages high academic standards. It's hard to slack off when you look nice. (Although I'm sure I succeed at slacking off more than I should.)


Today I got ready and realized...I look like Minnie Mouse. I was going to go outside and take pictures because the weather has been so nice, but I'm still feeling under the weather. (I've had a monster sinus infection for over a week now. Blah.) 

Shirt and belt- F21/ Skirt- Old Navy/ Headband- Target/ Shoes- Wanted.
The lighting in one of the uninhabited halls in my dorm was nice today, so I stayed inside and took pictures before I collapsed in my bed for a nap. 


Today ended up being a lovely day full of good friends and lots of good food. I probably don't need to eat for a week. 

Goodnight, lovelies. It's almost the weekend!

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